Year One – Fundamentals

During the first year, students will study fundamental courses.
Students have the opportunity to select their preferred study destination from the 8 awarded universities, as all of them offer similar fundamental course.

Table of Contents


AreaBalancing ECTSFundamentals ECTSTotal
Mathematics and Statistics6612
Software Engineering66
Parallel Programming92433
Computer Architecture31518
Transversal Skills99


Mathematics and statistics

Providing the basic mathematical and statistical tools to deal with Engineering problems and analysis.

Software engineering

Providing the basic techniques for sequential programming, debugging, and managing and organizing software.

Parallel programming

Providing the basic and advanced techniques for parallel programming, programming models, parallel languages, and software ecosystem.

Computer Architecture

Providing the basic and advanced concepts on the hardware, processors, memory hierarchy, I/O subsystem, networking, cloud and circuit design.

Transversal Skills

Transversal skills may be developed as part of a regular course or as standalone courses.